Legionella Risk Assment

Legionella is a dangerous bacteria found in water, if the bacteria is inhaled it can lead to legionnaires disease, which is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia. All man made hot and cold water systems are likely to provide an environment where legionella can grow.
These can include water between 20 and 45 degrees, water tanks / systems where the water is stagnant, water droplets from taps and shower heads, mist or spray in the air, rust and limescale which can feed the bacteria, properties which are left vacant for a long period of time and whilst the potential is low, even combi boilers. Legionnaires is uncommon but it can be very serious, sometimes even causing death. Symptoms of the illness can include coughing, difficulty breathing, chest pains, a high temperature and flu like symptoms.
Whilst a legionella risk assessment is not a legal requirement, landlords do have a legal responsibility to assess and control the risk of legionella. If you would like to arrange an assessment for yours and your tenant/s peace of mind, this is where we can help, our prices start from just £50. The assessment will include testing and assessing details of the water system, water temperature at outlets, cold water storage, hot water storage, little / unused outlets, shower heads, taps and any spray outlets, spa pools / hot tubs and whirlpool baths.
The assessment duration will depend on the size of the property and it’s recommended to be carried out every two years or when a new tenant moves in. Our legionella risk assessments are lodged with our accreditation body Elmhurst and not only will our reports rate the potential risk of legionella, it will detail what you and your tenant’s can do to minimize the risk.
If you would like to book or if you have any questions we are happy to help. You can also find more information from the government on: